Welcome, time traveler!
Between 2009 and 2015, the Community Ban List (CBL) was a community effort to expose cheaters in the online multiplayer first-person shooter Combat Arms by Nexon America. At that time, cheaters ran unchecked in the game as reporting them through official channels had seemingly no effect, and those running clans or events sought a way to prevent those evildoers from entering their domain. The CBL's solid foundation of trust and transparency brought about measurable improvements to the community. The CBL even received public praise from Nexon America themselves, as they began their own fight against the developers of exploits, even taking them to court!
In 2015, Nexon America merged with Nexon Europe, and our access to player and clan data was made unavailable. Due to this, the CBL ceased operations as both reporting and forums were shuttered.
This version of the CBL was published in 2020 as an homage by the original developer, who happened to find a backup of the database during hard drive maintenance and became nostalgic. You can take a trip back in time to view the original CBL.
Most Reports (Player)
# | Player | Clan |
16 |
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(unaffiliated) |
14 |
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(unaffiliated) |
13 |
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-DeadRose- |
13 |
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(unaffiliated |
13 |
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(unaffiliated) |
Most Reports (Clan)
# | Clan |
13 | TheSithLordz |
13 | CtrlAltDestroy |
13 | -DeadRose- |
10 | MidgetsRus |
10 | GoNeverSayyNo |
Highest Ranked
Player | Clan |
![]() |
(unaffiliated) |
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xWeAreLegioNx |
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MEOWMeow |
Player | Clan |
![]() |
(unaffiliated) |
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Master Kill RD |
![]() |
(unaffiliated) |
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(unaffiliated) |
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(unaffiliated) |
Reports Submitted
Reports Confirmed
Dirty Players
Dirty Clans
Banned Players
Name Changes
Verified Players
The CBL was entirely volunteer-run by active Combat Arms players. Applicants were required to be active on the forums and were subject to intense scrutiny, including remote inspection of their computers through automated and manual investigation techniques to ensure the applicant had never used any sort of cheat software or methods.
The following comprised the core CBL administration for the majority of its life, and at the time of shutdown:
Mdawg | Founder |
V-Tach | Original Developer |
CC_FANG | Lead Administrator |
SS_Fly | Lead Developer |
-iGoPostal- | Administrator |
HARRO_85 | Reports Administrator |
Blancanunca | Disputes Administrator |
The following 96 players were staff at the CBL at some point during its operation. The list is sorted alphabetically, not by level of effort committed.
- --R3s1L13nt
- -BL1ZZ4RD-
- -BluePickles
- -Calamity
- -CheesyJack
- -CptAmerica
- -FiXiT
- -hawkeye--
- -HDN-Plutia
- -Impaler-
- -Phema
- -RSG-
- -Vincent
- -xKlokwerkz-
- 69Zelmarkd69
- 313squatchy
- Alladas
- BabyCami
- BCO20
- beefymint
- bigjuancrd
- bigpickles
- Binatang
- BlackScorpio
- black_pearl
- Blut-Engel
- bosviper
- broxlyn
- crazym3d1c
- dafive0248
- DarkEternal
- DarqueHunter
- Deaths_Demon
- Desu-Ryuu
- Dracofox
- DukeTodd
- ElySioN
- Enya-
- EvanTech
- FreeAccount
- frosty10
- GenerolHavoc
- HeadBussa21
- hoclSAB3R
- Hypnotikfox
- Iguanazor
- Ion-
- iSponge
- Jaquie
- JennaKillz
- jkhkh
- Kazashi
- Keice
- KILLER117519
- kyzum
- LF_Ragnustus
- Lillybell
- majormaklov
- Master_7
- Matrix-III
- McSk1p
- MildDegree
- MstrSplinter
- N1ghtfirecat
- OLlamaBL
- oXLimitedXo
- peachsammich
- Phade
- playazway
- Pvtdiesalot
- Ramchand
- RogueBender
- Rrawwr
- Shoggotha
- Slaven152
- Sohee-Chips
- spuddy30
- SsurebreC
- Stealgunna
- TattleTailes
- Toshio12
- TracyJackson
- TwoTowersGod
- UnknowReaper
- Vo0d0oChild
- Vydel-Dirnul
- XDark1Lord
- xRavenor
- xxdeathxxxx
- _Manito_
- _Maver1ck_
Reports were submitted by victims of a cheater's wrath. They had to meet very stringent requirements to ensure players weren't erroneously labeled dirty for their exceptional skill or incidental server lag. Additionally, the CBL employed advanced forensic techniques to ensure submitted evidence had not been altered with editing software.
As a testament to these requirements, the most common reason for a report being voided was due to insufficient evidence.
The CBL used a two-eyes review system, where a junior reviewer would make the initial determination and later confirmed by a senior reviewer, to ensure a single reviewer could not perform malicious actions.
Players who were labeled as Dirty due to a confirmed report of cheating/exploiting/glitching were able to request a one-time appeal. Taking the appeal's justification into account, two senior reviewers would re-analyze the evidence and determine if the report should remain confirmed.
The CBL hosted a very active community through its forums, with topics ranging from the CBL itself to Combat Arms errata — there was even a coveted Dunce Dorm for the numerous trolls the CBL attracted.
Additionally, the CBL partnered with active, clean clans to promote healthy gameplay and competition.
The CBL provided dynamic signatures (graphics) for players to use on other forums/sites that could display their player statistics and CBL status. The signatures provided a high level of customization and theming.